Friday, September 7, 2007


my first "assignment" with arthouse is to compile for them a wishlist of new clients i would like to have...these, of course, are to be catalogs, magazines, clothing companies, and other brands of the childrens/babies/'tween/teen variety.

so far on my wishlist i have:
baby gap
children's place
cookie mag
gap kids
hannah andersson
j crew/crewcuts
limited too
nieman marcus
old navy
PB teen
pottery barn kids
teen vogue
ralph lauren

leave me a comment if you think of any more! thanks!

and here's a picture of sadie and jasper for inspiration of the cute kid variety (or really just because i would like to include them in my blog):

1 comment:

Kage said...

Uh, yeah...I would like that client list too, actually, for wrangling I have had:
target and I am doing ralph lauren next I guess we both have a ways to go...glad you are bloggin. I just checked out your other blog. Yikes. Milo had a very human face. I will be sure to consult you when (if) we get a puppy. I just heard a very moving interview on Oprah & Friends XM Radio that convinced me I needed a dog in my life.