Friday, September 7, 2007

a change'll do me good

i have made a big change today. it's a good 'un.

i am no longer with my agency of more or less seven years. while i love that the owner of my old agency (R.I.P. mark) took a chance on me and gave me my start in new york, since his passing it has been a different place.

my most recent booker, david, worked so hard for me, though. he gave the agency life, he fought for good rates for me, he got me amazing new clients. he emailed this week that he was leaving to go work for another agency, arthouse management. arthouse is an amazing agency that represents photographers as well as fashion stylists, makeup artists, and hair stylists. they aren't small potatoes. they are lucky to have david, and he looooves being there. i couldn't be happier for him.

david had let me know last week that "we needed to talk". and talk we did. david has taken a few of his artists along with him to share in this new opportunity, and i am one of them! as of our meeting today, i am now repped by arthouse. i am thrilled. the owner and the other booker are great, too...they share my aesthetic, they are on top of it, the truly care about how they are represented and what they present to their clients, they have amazing contacts and loyalty.

i had to give this a shot, and i'm hoping that this will be great for my career and will be a catalyst for me to "step it up" in terms of how i present myself as create new work to show, to revamp my kit and my website, heck--maybe i'll even give myself a little makeover? considering today i taped a hole in my dress with duct tape and my purse strap is held together with safety pins, it may be about time.

of course, i knew this decision was the right one as i sat down on the subway and heard the hushed question of:

"do you know what time it is?" asked by a quartet of tall, dark, and handsome men to oblivious tourists and commuters.

i knew the answer and did a little "YESSS!!!!" whisper and arm pump in my head.

"IT'S DOO WOP TIME!" the men shouted to the unsuspecting riders. the fellows immediately burst into doo wop favorites of a bygone era, snapping and shaking their cup of change down the aisle.

i first heard this group before i had even moved to the city--years ago, when i came to visit karadean, and every time i have heard them since, just like every time i used to see puerto rican abe lincoln in my old neighborhood or whenever i see the three-legged boxer on my corner being walked by his owner, i know it's going to be a good day.

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