Tuesday, September 18, 2007

i heart arthouse

i took a peek yesterday on arthouse's website...just curious as to how things were moving along with putting lil' old me's stuff up there.

i figured, it's only been a week! there's no way they could sift through my years of tearsheets and prints and catalogs and what not....but lo and behold, not only do they have it all online, they have it looking supa fly!

you can view it here.

...and how cute are these crazy kids?

again this week i am busy as a bee. no days off, and thursday i am doing makeup for a billboard interview with sum 41. color me NOT amused. while i can embrace pop music ( i love pop music), i cannot abide sum 41 and their poseur-ish, fluffy punk antics. nor can i abide avril, not even as a joke, and i can only pray that the good lord's grace will shine upon me and she won't be there making out with her gross poseur husband and being all obnoxious. hoping it will be an easy day, and one step forward to the weekend, visiting lil bro, and closer still to europe!


Ehrrin said...

I like to call her April Levine. And, I'm not a big fan (except that "hey! hey! you! you!" song. it's catchy! what can i do, nowlze!?).

nowlze said...

dude, if she's there, i'm TOTALLY calling her "april" the whole time!

great--now i am obsessed with starting a fight with avril. why are you such a natural instigator, e?