Tuesday, February 26, 2008

screw the hiatus

101 74 things that piss me off

1. slow computers
2. stepping in dog poop
3. gas
4. corn and corn products
5. foodies
6. my messy apartment
7. heat on a timer and lack of a thermostat (not all of us work a 9-5...brrr)
8. my upstairs neighbors
9. mice
10. my landlord (most of the time)
11. sore boobs
12. lack of space
13. lack of work
14. lip service
15. impatient honkers
16. traffic
17. litter
18. clutter
19. noise
20. the ADD that accompanies living in nyc (i need room to think!)
21. our trashcan that never shuts
22. halitosis
23. hormones
24. paying money for crappy food
25. disorganization
26. hangnails
27. bloat
28. waiting on checks
29. taxes
30. disrepair
31. cheesy bands
32. flab
33. lack of motivation
34. dust bunnies
35. split ends
36. grays
37. nuts & gum
38. unfinished business
39. uti's
40. sluggishness
41. impatience
42. the slow tick of the clock
43. peeps who do me wrong
44. wet bandaids
45. pruny fingers
46. stubble
47. lack of a pedicure
48. zits
49. bad dog owners
50. meatheads
51. jerks
52. cheeseballs
53. smarmy men
54. nyc snobs
55. nyc rents
56. pollution
57. provincialism
58. sexism
59. racism
60. lack of free healthcare
61. george bush et al
62. rotten produce
63. know it alls
64. phonies
65. mildew
66. mold
67. must
68. rapid fire text messaging
69. exhaustion
70. insomnia
71. snorers
72. headbutters (biscuit, i'm talking to you)
73. pests
74. unfinished business

(....aah....that's better...)

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