Tuesday, September 2, 2008

cuts like a knife

while i made bdub swear that he wouldn't tell ANYONE about the little incident i am going to reveal, i think i need to come clean. maybe i can help pregnant women everywhere who feel they have lost complete, utter, and total control of their emotions?

so we are driving home from a lovely two days in the berkshires yesterday (bdub played with the sweet divines at mass MoCA--highly recommended museum if you are ever in the area).

bryan adams' "heaven" comes on the radio (no--not RYan adams, the alt country indie darling. BRYan adams, the 80's cheeseball).

"oh, thinkin' about our younger years....

it was only you and me
we were young and wild and free...."

that was all it took. i crumpled into a puddle of mush. i didn't have a pretty cry, either, with a couple of nostalgic tears running down my cheeks that could be quietly wiped away with any sort of dignity. i bawled, snotty, ugly, and inconsolable, i kept repeating to bdub, "i am SUCH a DORK! i can't believe i am bawling over a stupid bryan adams song!"

upon relaying this story to my friend dylan, he assured me that my brother, jay, would lose all respect for me if i ever revealed this nugget of truth to him. if i ever had any punk rock credibility at any time, it, like so much of my former, stoic-in-the-face-of bad-80's pop- self, is gone with the wind. hormones are a funny thing that way.


Beth said...

Oh Nowlze, everything and anything made me cry while pregnant, and it was even worse immediately after the babes were born - any song about life and love and kids would reduce me to a puddle, and i absolutely could NOT watch the news - Bush was president during both of my pregnancies and I was terrified that by the time my babies grew up, the republicans would draft them into some horrible war, then they'd never get to see a doctor and would die of some horrible yet treatable illness. ANYWAY - I've since come out of my funk (somewhat). I read somewhere that after you have a child you are permanently walking around with your heart outside of your body...

ClownMomma said...

noelle--- where you at girl? Billy & i (the baby) are wondering about you, Bdub & your bean.