so my hiatus will be broken by this post...i couldn't keep this rad idea to myself.
the website that explains the project: in a nutshell, you must come up with a list of 101 tasks you would like to complete within 1001 days. the criteria is that the tasks must be specific with a result that is either measurable or clearly defined. they also must be realistic and stretching. so here are mine:
finish this list!!!2- decide on and buy new glasses
3- repair computer
4- use reusable bags when going to the grocery store
5- go to the farmer's market once a week for an entire season
6- copy all of nana's recipes from her (while cooking with her)
7- join a community music ensemble
8- with bdub, finish lawsuit (get information subpoena as a start)
9- replace running shoes
10- take mom out for a real british high tea
11- make a pushpin travel map for bdub
12- watch less television
13- spend atleast one day a year with individual siblings (0/4)
make a toast15- have a weekly dinner (or other) date
16- live
la dolce vita!FINANCIAL:17- pay off the car
establish credit (use a credit card and pay it off monthly) (<- 768! not bad!)
open a savings account and come up with a realistic goal20-
cut back on cable tv services21- combine cell phone plans
PHYSICAL:22- see doctor about sciatica
23- go to the dentist
24- attend regular yoga classes (atleast once a week for atleast two months)
25- get acupuncture
conceive and have a healthy pregnancy27- give birth
28- establish a regular exercise routine (3 x/week for atleast two months)
29- get down to 120 pounds
30- get laser resurfacing (or other applicable procedure) to eliminate acne scars/pock marks
31- grow out my nails
32- wear my cute clothes and shoes that just sit in my closet
33- walk the dog daily for a month (atleast)
34- floss regularly (daily)
35- drink more water!
APARTMENT:36- purge and organize all areas of our apartment
figure out a plan for the basement to make it livable and then do it!38- purge my closet (and restock with better stuff!)
39- add to equine paint-by-numbers collection (2/8) and then frame and hang
40- buy a solid piece of danish modern furniture
get rid of all evidence of mouse infestation42- install a shelf in the bathroom
repair front door44- maximize all space
45- organize books and replace bookshelf
46- replace the @*&$%!ing trashcan!
47- buy a file cabinet
48- corral mail
TRAVEL:49- go camping upstate or in pa
50- travel to italy
51- travel to spain
52- go to a dog-friendly b & b
53- go snowboarding
54- go icefishing
55- go to dia: beacon
56- take the biscuit to the ft tryon park dog run
57- go horseback riding
58- attend sxsw
59- go on a cross country road trip!
60- go to warhol museum
61- go to brighton beach (russian disco, yes?)
PROFESSIONAL:62- complete three beauty tests (organize, shoot, get useable prints) (0/3)
63- complete three fashion tests (organize, shoot, get useable prints (0/3)
64- upgrade 50% of products in both hair and makeup kits
65- do a mailing
66- create beauty blog
67- take some lessons to improve hairstyling
68- learn to trim bangs
69- learn to airbrush
70- redesign website
71- get bio up on arthouse's website
72- talk with david about career
73- examine other career avenues
74- pursue a side income
SPIRITUAL/INTERPERSONAL:75- attend services at the unitarian church
76- volunteer regularly (once a month to start)
77- volunteer with animals
78- silently count to ten when getting frustrated or tempted to say something stupid/mean/thoughtless
79- live more compassionately
80- get the biscuit to become a certified therapy dog
81- spend more time with elderly people
82- pray or meditate daily/nightly
83- stop gossiping
84- forgive those who have done me wrong
85- maintain strong family ties (weekly contact with all relatives)
EDUCATIONAL:86- take a theramin class and establish a weekly practice schedule
87- bake a souffle
88- make borscht
89- learn photoshop
90- get certified in cpr
91- make homemade tamales
92- make dilly beans
93- sew a cute skirt for myself
94- bake homemade bread
95- take a dance class
96- take a self-defense course
97- finish reading
a people's history of the united states98- read
hegemony or survival99- learn to make cheese
100- learn the tarantella
101- learn guitar well enough to sing around a campfire or to babies
..and now i will take leave of this blog once again while i pursue those things on my list, and some not on my list. ciao ciao!